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PeerTube v3.2 is out!

Hi everybody,

2 months ago, we published PeerTube v.3.1! Since then, we have made many improvements to your favourite tool... So here are some details on what this version 3.2 brings you.

Improved differentiation of channels from accounts

During our work with designer Marie-Cécile Godwin, we noticed that it was not easy to differentiate accounts from channels. In order to make it easier for you to find your way around, we have redesigned the appearance of these two element. Channels' avatars (in square format) are now different from accounts' avatars (in circle format).

As you can see on this screenshot, it is now more obvious to identify that you are on a channel page (square avatar and "video channel" indication above the channel title). Thanks to the block placed on the right, you can identify which account manages this channel. If you are curious enough to click on the "view account" button, you will be redirected to a page that lists the account's channels. This page has been redesigned to make it easier to differentiate one channel from another.

We have also added new features to make channels more attractive. For example, you can add an illustration banner and a "support" button to show how people can help you to fund your video creations.

Finally, channels (rather than accounts) are now displayed first on video thumbnails. And we have increased the size of video miniatures by a third, so there are fewer videos displayed on a single line, which is more pleasant.

With these improvements, our hope is that more of you will create channels to post your videos.

New features to improve your use of PeerTube

This version 3.2 is also filled with small improvements and new features that will make your PeerTube experience more pleasant. Not all of them will revolutionize your practice, but we are still very happy to have implemented them.

  • First of all, PeerTube now automatically resumes videos for non logged-in users. If you are interrupted while watching, you won't need to look up where you were to continue watching the video.

  • PeerTube brings you more robust uploads by using a resumable upload endpoint. Actually, it was quite annoying to have to restart an upload from the beginning (especially if the video was big) when it was interrupted due to a faulty internet connection. You have been pointing this out for a while, and now this problem is history!

  • We have changed the default download setting. Previously, when you clicked on the "Download" button, the torrent download was set by default. Now it is direct download. But of course you can always change this setting.

  • When you have uploaded many videos on your account, it is sometimes not easy to find them. So we've added the ability to sort videos according to several criteria: publication date, most viewed, most liked, longest, etc. You can also display only your live broadcasts.

  • To facilitate instance administration, we have added a notification to notify administrators on new available PeerTube version and plugins updates. This way, we hope that more instances will be kept up to date.

Improvements on the video player context menu

Did you notice that when you right-click in the video player, you can display a contextual menu? This feature has been around for a while, but it wasn't highlighted. And since we've just improved this menu, this is a good opportunity to introduce this feature to those who haven't seen it yet!

We added small icons to easily understand available actions. There is a new "stats for nerds" item which displays, as the name suggests, technical information that only the most experienced geeks will understand ;)

We have made many other improvements in this new version. You can read the whole list on

Thanks to all PeerTube contributors!

Our plans for PeerTube v4

In the PeerTube v3 release blogpost, we announced that we wouldn't resort to crowdfunding to finance PeerTube's development in 2021.

We are glad to announce that a big part of PeerTube v4 will be funded through an NLnet grant under their "Search and discovery" program (find here their page on PeerTube).

We plan to develop PeerTube's v4 all along 2021, with our main focus on customizing the experience so that instance administrators, content creators and users can display and discover the videos to their liking.

We truly believe that empowering instance administrators and content creators to customize their instances and channels is a great way forward to help PeerTube users to find and identify the videos they want to watch.

Such customization will have a direct impact on search, and on search results. Moreover we plan to extend the search scope to playlists so they can be displayed in search results. We also plan to improve search result pages with a more ubiquitous sorting/filter system and a better interface.

PeerTube's v4 main features

Here are the main "customization" features we plan to be working on:

  • Sorting/filter system on pages that list videos
  • Customize left menu for instances (through plugin API)
  • Customize homepage for instances (through a markup system)
  • Customize channels for content creators
  • Incentives to complete instance/channel attributes (i.e. descriptions, images, terms of service, etc.)

We also plan to work on frequently asked improvements such as:

  • Adding playlists to search scope (on PeerTube instance and Sepia Search)
  • Subscription to channels/accounts from an instance
  • Coordination with, support and contributions to external developments (clients, plugin, etc.)

More details on our plans can be found on the PeerTube Github page. Please note that these are the main features and developments. They can evolve due to circumstances, contributions, timings, etc. To be informed of any change, subscribe to PeerTube newsletter.

Managing expectations

This is already a lot, and we can't wait to implement those features!

That being said, we understand that lots of people have lots of expectations for PeerTube. But we won't uphold and develop them all, as we are not a tech giant, not even a startup.

Framasoft is a small French not for profit of 35 members, and has made the choice not to overgrow. We want to stay at 10 employees tops, even though we manage more than 80 different projects (OK, PeerTube is one the biggest ones, but it is still one of eighty projects).

We have only one developer dedicated to PeerTube (not even full time), helped by others in our team (design, administration, communication, etc.). Maintaining PeerTube means lots of different tasks (learn more about it here in our FAQ), and we don't want him (or anyone else, for that matter) to burn himself out to fulfill everyone's expectations.

So if our plans for 2021 and PeerTube's v4 don't match your priorities, that's completely OK, but we won't do more nor go faster. Remember that you are free to fork PeerTube to lead it in another direction, or to contribute by coding plugins and issues (get started on contributing here).

Thanks for the support

We really want to thank the PeerTube community for its work and support. We also want to thank NLnet for their grant that will fund the major part of our work on PeerTube this year, thus relieving us from having to organize a dedicated crowdfunding in 2021.

While most of our roadmap for PeerTube is covered by NLnet's donation, the rest will come from our own budget. Framasoft is funded by grassroots supporters who give us money for all our actions and projects.

If you want to support PeerTube, you can support Framasoft with a donation, but also by helping others to discover and learn more about PeerTube and our projects: sharing is caring!

PeerTube v3.1 is out!

Hi everybody,

After releasing PeerTube v3 in early January, it's time for a new main version with plenty of improvements and new features. Here are some explanations on what this v3.1 brings us.

Better transcoding features

Transcoding? It's the process of converting an audio or video file from one encoding format to another so media files can be visible on different platforms and devices. On PeerTube, we use the FFmpeg program to transcode the videos you upload. You probably have noticed the warning message when you post a video saying "This video is being transcoded, it may not work properly yet". In fact, until transcoding is complete, your video may not be seen from all your devices.

Until now, transcoding rules were the same for every PeerTube instance: you couldn't modify them. From this v3.1, you can create transcoding profiles by installing plugins on instances. Instance administrators can select a transcoding profile adapted to their needs after installing a plugin. We hope many of them will create such plugins to customize their FFmpeg settings.

For example, you can now create a specific transcoding profile that highlights live videos (over other videos) in terms of bandwidth. In addition, the administrator of a PeerTube instance specialized in broadcasting musical contents will be happy to know he can create a high quality audio profile.

This v3.1 also changes the way transcoding tasks are managed. Before, and for each instance, transcoding occured chronologically as users were uploading videos. Thus when a video maker was uploading several videos in a row, he prevented video transcoding from other users of the instance. Therefore we have modified the priority management system for these transcoding jobs so that when a user upload several files at the same time, the transcoding of some of his videos is de-prioritized (they are on standby) if another user upload a file. In other words, administrators can give an higher priority to optimize jobs and can decrease priority of transcoding jobs depending on the amount of videos uploaded by the user in the last 7 days. This prevents one single user from blocking other people's contents' uplaods: it's more fair. Besides, administrators can now see the progress of video transcoding in the list of on-going jobs on their instance.

Finally, instance administrators can now choose how many simultaneous transcoding jobs they support. Of course, transcoding several videos at once requires an important computing power. If you want to allow the transcoding of more than one video at once on your instance, make sure you have the proper hardware.

More and more pleasant interfaces

As we know that PeerTube interface is not always easy to understand, we still improve it so that everyone feels comfortable using this tool.

The disappearance of the "most liked" category, in the left menu, is the most visible change. In return, we added to the "trending" category 3 options for sorting videos:

  • hot: a selection of recent videos with the most interactions
  • views: videos with the most views in the last 24 hours
  • likes: the most liked videos

We have modified some elements in the Administration menu (available for instance administrators only). For example in the "users" tab, the "Create user" button is now on the left side to be more visible. Also administrators can now customize the value of video quota (total and daily) of each user.

And also:

You can now easily subscribe to an account hosted on a different instance from the one you have registered on (remote account) by clicking on the "subscribe" button under a video and then by entering your PeerTube ID (username@domain).

Instance administrators can now choose how many simultaneous import jobs they support (whether these imports are realized through a URL or a torrent). This prevents big instances from having long waiting lists.

Finally, we have also implemented a system of async torrent creation on video upload in order to fix some upload errors bugs.

We have made many other improvements in this new version. You can read the whole list (in English) on

Thanks to all PeerTube contributors!

A plugin selection on


In September 2019 when PeerTube v.1.4 was released, we announced the creation of a plugin system. This system allows PeerTube instance administrators to create and/or install plugins depending on their specific feature needs, without having to rely on our small non-profit for this creative work.

Did you know that there are now more than 40 plugins available for PeerTube instance administrators?

To support the installation of these plugins, we have just created a new page in which we will often highlight a plugin selection. Thus we hope that more and more instance administrators will install them to improve their instance features.

We first have chosen to highlight 4 plugins:

We will regularly add other plugins to this selection. Have a good discovery!

PeerTube v3 is out, with p2p livestreaming!


It has been a very busy 6 months, but we have completed our roadmap and just released version 3 of PeerTube!

Illustration CC-BY david revoy

We would like to thank every person who has contributed to the fundraising of the v3 for their generosity (especially in a difficult time for everyone). Thanks also to the sponsors of this v3, Octopuce, Code Lutin and the Debian project. Last but not least, our deepest thanks to every person who, in their own way, worked and contributed to help this v3 get complete.

Happy free-libre live streams,

The Release Candidate for PeerTube v3 is live!

Hi everybody,

PeerTube v3 is almost complete, and we have just published a RC (release candidate) for admins who like to try it and give us feedback so we can publish a beautiful v3 in early January.

A barebone yet functioning p2p live streaming

The big feature of this v3 will be live streaming, and we're proud to say that it works fine! 🎉🎉🎉

We've had lots of tests and feedback from pioneers (shout out to Le Canard Réfractaire for their help), and we are now confident that a PeerTube p2p live stream can scale up to hundreds of simultaneous users (but not thousands - not yet).

In the different tests we've had, we have managed to keep lag between 30s to 1mn. To our knowledge, peer-to-peer live broadcasting will induce an incompressible lag between the streamer and the audience. Ultimately, this lag will depend on the server charge (how many live streams are happening at the same time) and bandwidth.

We encourage admins to enable live transcoding for live streaming. Even though it will take processing power and induce some lag, it is really essential to facilitate the experience both for streamers (who can use basic OBS settings) and for viewers (who can watch in their preferred video resolution).

With this v3, admins will have the option to enable live streaming, for which they can set a maximum number of ongoing and awaiting live streams (per user and for the whole instance). They will also be able to set up a maximum duration limit for live streams.

Two ways to set up your live

As you can see in our how to go live documentation, PeerTube streamers will need a broadcasting software (we recommend the Free-Libre software OBS), and use the live RTMP key.

Setting up a new livestream is like uploading a new video. The default setting will get you one PeerTube URL, one video container (with description and thumbnail and tags...), and one RTMP Key for each of your livestreams. This setting is useful if you want to host multiple lives simultaneously on you channel. When your live is finished, it will be replaced by the replay (if both the instance admin and the content creator have activated this setting).

Streamers will also have the option to enable "permanent live". It will work more like Twitch does: your permanent live URL and video container will correspond to a single RTMP key. You can go live and stop it whenever you want, the live will be broadcast on the same URL. This setting does not allow saving a video for replay, though.

There is more than live in life

This v3 comes packed with many changes and improvements.

The sidebar menu has been completely reworked, thanks to the UX design work we did with Marie Cécile Paccard. It is now way easyier to interact with you profile or to distinguish pages displaying what's in your Library from what's on your instance federation bubble.

Notifications have been improved: now, when an account has been muted (either by a user or an admin) the notification of their actions are deleted, which comes really handy when someone is having an activity peak and you d'ont want to clean your notifications one by one ;).

Administrators and moderators have, once again, usefull new tools in this update. There's a new page to facilitate comment moderation, batch actions, the option to delete all comments of an account, or to see unlisted videos uploaded by an account on the instance you moderate.

Warning: fresh paint

There is still a lot to tell about this v3, and people who contributed to make it happen. That's a good thing, because we will talk about it in January, for the v3 release post.

We just wanted to describe briefly what you could expect from this new PeerTube version, and present you our progress with this release candidate.

In the meantime, if you try and test Peertube v3 RC and its live feature, please be sure to give us some feedback on the code respository issues or on our forum.

Have a great holydays and stay safe,

Introducing SepiaSearch!

Hi everybody,

We have just released SepiaSearch, our search engine to help you discover videos and channels on PeerTube!

We've worked hard to ensure that this engine respects your data, your attention and your freedoms.

Please remember to share the roadmap to v3 page, where people can learn more about (and support) ou plans for PeerTube.

Thanks to all PeerTube contributors!